Two weeks ago, PFI creator, Cathy T. Colborn, finally emerged from her two years of creative hiatus, and delivered to the world an amazing weird fiction that seemed to come out of nowhere. Just when we thought PFI and a slew of other creative ventures were over, Catt Colborn surprises us all at PFI and her readers, with an underlying message: "What others call our shortcomings, they're still a part of us, and we shouldn't let anyone just look passed us, we want to be taken seriously." Reviewers are giving it five stars and putting it up to the likes of Fight Club, where weird fiction crosses into the realm of a moral on mental health awareness. Here's a bit of a summary without spoilers:

The main character, Jack, suffers from OCDs, panic attacks, paranoia and more. To the same tune, the female protagonist, Jack's love interest (that he's just not ready to deal with quite yet), Cassie, is suffering from PTSD and panic attacks from being held up at gunpoint. Together, the two would make a lovely couple, but first they have to deal with their horrifying pasts and trying to make it through their day-to-day---somewhere out to a happy place. Jack finds comfort in the oddest of places, the Yeti costume that Cassie sells to him...from there, it goes to other settings I can't even describe. You should experience them firsthand yourself. It is the only way to find out the hows, the whats, the wheres, and the whys, there is no other way to write about it here, without spoiling it for you...


Just get the book---what are you waiting for? 

 Here is the back cover by artist, Matthew Revert, giving us the teaser that Catt Colborn and Bizarro Pulp Press (an imprint of Journalstone Publishing) has delightfully chosen for us:


Not to mention, I don't foresee anyone coming across these covers, passing up a novella, with the yeti face and lumbering arms, surrounded by sex toys on it.

Speaking of which, may deter some people upon first glances, as well as the second chapter, but then seeing how Colborn goes all in on the protagonist, you soon understand that authors are just writing what a character tells them: who they are and what they want us to know.

When I asked Colborn to comment on this cover, along with my initial thoughts, this is what she had to say:

"It really isn't about XXX sex in the end (and maybe not even in the middle) but you have to read to find out how it got to that point, and where it can go in both the trials and tribulations of Jack and Cassie, and in their resulting chapters, to find the happy ending or the happy for now, or the nothing changes at all."

 I also asked Colborn about how she came up with the initial premise:

"I grew up around family and friends that I saw struggling through their day-to-day tasks. Being a childhood cancer survivor, I found myself doing some of their small rituals, to try and possibly stop more ill things from happening to me. I never was formally diagnosed with any of my issues, and I do not do rituals now, resulting from myself NEVER succeeding at stopping any bad things from happening in my life. But I do need breaks from overstimulating settings, and I have found escapes when going to comic cons and wearing costumes. I'm not saying that this subject is not to be taken seriously (actually quite the opposite). I am trying to start a conversation the only way I know how, by being creative and drawing people into the timely subject---without preaching and letting them see it first hand."

Well, there you have it PFI followers, fellow authors, and blog passerby, like I said, there is nothing more we can give you on the PFI blog without spoiling it all for you SO:

What are you waiting for? Click on the Amazon link and get your copy of WEEKLY FURAPY, by Cathy T. Colborn today! Please leave a review afterwards on Amazon and Goodreads.



 -Minos and the PFI Team

 P.S. Look for us to start catching up on submissions. Please "Stop" on the old theme, and we will choose, if not add, another theme to the mix. Look for the evolution of PFI to Vlog, Podcast, and Audible Submission contests in the future. 

We are always working to update your hell. 


Thanks for stopping by,



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