Sub Update for Cemeteries, Crypts, and Creepy Places: Needs!
NEED FOR NEXT ISSUE: Section door is open!
We are astounded by the creativity that is flooding our inbox, but we are lacking in quality longer pieces that are 800-1000 words. We would like to find an author that can submit a few of these longer stories and let us pick two for our FULL BLAZE section. Congrats if you have been accepted to POETRY PYRE and FLASH FIRE (not saying if one of those beauties comes across our desk again, we won't snatch it up and add it to the mix)! Thank you to our artists and photographers who have given us their creepiest viewpoints of our current theme. Can't wait to share with our groupies.
With that being said, we will not compromise on quality. So bring us your best on cemeteries, crypts, and creepy places. Accent on best. Please continue to follow our guidelines. No exceptions.
We are counting on you. Tell a friend! Check back for updates. Once we receive a few longer pieces, we will update and tease on the production of our next Ten Dolla' Dreadful.
Catt, Minos and PFI Staff.
We are astounded by the creativity that is flooding our inbox, but we are lacking in quality longer pieces that are 800-1000 words. We would like to find an author that can submit a few of these longer stories and let us pick two for our FULL BLAZE section. Congrats if you have been accepted to POETRY PYRE and FLASH FIRE (not saying if one of those beauties comes across our desk again, we won't snatch it up and add it to the mix)! Thank you to our artists and photographers who have given us their creepiest viewpoints of our current theme. Can't wait to share with our groupies.
With that being said, we will not compromise on quality. So bring us your best on cemeteries, crypts, and creepy places. Accent on best. Please continue to follow our guidelines. No exceptions.
We are counting on you. Tell a friend! Check back for updates. Once we receive a few longer pieces, we will update and tease on the production of our next Ten Dolla' Dreadful.
Catt, Minos and PFI Staff.
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