Open Call for Horror Poetry! Philly Flash Inferno's Next Issue Almost Complete...

"Pull up a Table and Let's Pick Your Brain," Cathy T. Colborn, Canon G11, 2013

-so pull up a table and let's pick that brain of yours. Our Satan's Asylum Issue is just shy of a few more poems, and we want to hear from you.

THEME: Come one, come all, you Poet Gluttons of the Philly Flash Inferno, you. Throw us what you've been "insanely obsessing" over all sweltering season. We want horror poetry about the Criminally Insane Institution and its escapees. We want poems of those who never were there but probably should be. We want everyday episodic with a crazy moment to break the mundane. Surprise us. Minos and Catt beg of you.  

Format: Feed Minos your poetry of the insane and the insanely beautiful. He's hungry, and we're running out of BBQ. Epic redemption poems are also welcomed, but we want those protagonists to feel the heat of The Inferno on their face, before they are pulled away to their happy place. 

Guidelines: Send requested form and theme above, 12 pt. font (preferably Times or something similar),  and at least 2-3 poems to "Submission" in subject line, please. No fee. No payment, but mad Philly street cred;p Prize-winning photos and a great interview on board for this first "virtual and print on demand" issue. Don't miss out.

UPDATE: Deadline open until we find a stellar poet. SEND, SEND, SEND!

P.S. (HINT) Click on sidebar to see past issues. Learn what we hate to love. XoXo, PFI Crew


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